
Ecourse on How to Write and Publish Your Book on Amazon

“If you want to change the world, pick up the pen and write” ~ Martin Luther.

“I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me. I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear; my courage is reborn. But, and that is the great question, will I ever be able to write anything great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?” Anne Frank.

If you love to write and publish your book, I like to invite you to join the ‘Book Authors Club‘. This is a community of book authors. We reside in a secret Facebook group.

The aim of the club is to share our experience and learn from each other. It also serves as an accountability group.

Whether you want to write fiction or non-fiction, ebooks or paperback books, for Amazon or on your website, for fun or profits, whether you are new or experienced, you are most welcome to join.

Your investment to join the club is only sgd$97. This is a one-time payment.

What you get is a lifetime membership to the Facebook group. There is no upsell or any hidden cost.

As a member, you will have access to the following learning resources:

  • A 40-lesson home study course on Amazon Kindle Publishing. Once you complete the course, you will know how to write and publish your book on Amazon.

Below are the details of the course content:


The Joy of Book Publishing
13 Reasons for loving Kindle Publishing
The Challenges of Kindle Publishing
Publishing Process with the 20-Step Process Checklist


Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Choose Your Publishing Model
Your First Book
Kindle Domination Strategy
Email List Strategy
Business Action Plan


Create Amazon Account
Create WorldFirst Account


Finding a Profitable Niche
How To Find Profitable Topics


Non-Fiction Structures
Fiction Writing
Where to Find Content
How to Write Your Book
Book Structure
Hiring Ghostwriters


Editing Your Book


Creating a Book Title that Sells
How to Select a Pen Name
Book Cover Design
Book Description (Blurb/synopsis)
Selection of Keywords
Selection of Category
How to Format Your Book
Audit Check
How to Publish Your Book
Create Author’s Page


Income and Sales Calculator
Free Promo
Hiring a VA
How to Promote Your Book
How to Rank Your Book
How to be a Bestselling Author
Why is My Book Not Selling Well?
The Road to Success

You will learn these and more:

How to Improve the Quality of your book
Ghostwriters – My Recommendation
How to Read Kindle ebook
What is a Bestseller Book
How to Write a Wow Title
Who are the Experts to Learn From
The Efficient use of Pen Name
What determines the ranking for the category?
How much is the earning for a paperback book?
How to Format a Kindle Book
How to preview how Kindle/Amazon will display your book?
Will tables and images show up properly?
On Copyrights of Content
How to guarantee a bestseller?
What is the difference between keyword and genre?
How to know if a Keyword is Profitable?
Do you still have to register ISBN number with local authorities if you publish on Kindle/Amazon?
Should we choose the main niches or better to identify sub-niches
How many pages on average should each book have?
Where are the best places to find ghostwriters for our book?
Any idea what basic information to provide to outsourced writers?
What is a typical Content in each book?
How many books minimally must I publish in order to realise a monthly income of at least $1,000?
How many ways in KDP Select can we monetise each book?
How to promote your book, whether online or offline methods?
How to respond to critics who say that self-publishing in such a manner is not as ‘prestigious’ as having your book picked up by a traditional publisher?

Elsewhere you could be paying more than $1,000 to learn how to write and publish your book. I have invested a lot of money and time to bring this knowledge to you, at a fraction of the cost.

In this group, you have all the resources and help you need to become a published book author. Imagine what your life will be like when you give birth to your next book – change a life, make an impact, grow your business, raise your brand or just the pure joy of expressing yourself.

Your investment is only SGD$97. Come and join me now. I see you on the inside.