
The Decline of Bookstores and the Implication for Book Authors
Unfortunately, bookstores closing down is a trend seen in many countries around the world including Singapore. Here’s why…

The Enduring Power of Ordinary Memoirs
It’s a common misconception that only the lives of the rich and famous are worthy of being captured in a memoir.

Telling Your Story Through Letters: The Art of the Epistolary Memoir
A memoir written as a series of letters offers a deeply personal and engaging window into your life.

The Power of Standalone Chapters: Structuring Your Memoir as a Story Collection
Memoirs don’t have to follow a strict timeline. A powerful way to approach your life story is through a series of carefully crafted standalone chapters, each representing a significant theme, event, or lesson learned.

The Power of Memoirs: 12 Steps to Writing Yours
Memoirs have a unique ability to connect us. They’re not just personal histories but deeply meaningful explorations of life’s lessons.

The Ghostwriter’s Guide to Winning Clients on Social Media
As a ghostwriter, how do you use social media marketing to attract your clients? What can you post on social media that will interest your prospects?

The Art of Crafting Catchy Chapter Titles for Your Memoir/ Autobiography

Why Writing is Difficult for Some

Finding Extraordinary Stories in Ordinary Life
“My Life is too Ordinary to Write Anything Interesting.” This is a common refrain among many writers. But what truly is there to write about?

The Platform for Writers
This article delves into discovering your audience and identifying potential revenue streams as a writer.

How to Write Your Book in 100 Days

The Prayer of a Writer

The Joy of Being a Published Author

Success Tips for the Authorpreneur

How to Write a Book on Life Lessons
Combine your life stories with life lessons

Write for One Person
When embarking on the journey of writing a book, it can be easy to get caught up in thoughts of reaching a broad audience or achieving widespread success. However, it’s important to remember that at the heart of any impactful book is the ability to connect with just one person

How I Published My First Book
Believe in your dream

What can you write about?

The Writer’s Imposter syndrome
The ever-pervading feeling that sneaks up on writers, tapping them on the shoulder with a whisper, “You’re not good enough.”

The Benefits of Writing and Publishing a Book
Writing and publishing a book can serve a variety of purposes, including leaving a legacy, making money, serving as a marketing tool, establishing oneself as a thought leader, and even as a calling card.

How I Craft a Book Title
Borrow and mix it up

How I use the Chicken Soup For the Soul Formula To Make Money and Produced 10 Books in a Year
How I use Jack Canfield’s method to create books faster

The Benefits of Using a Pen Name

The Value of a Short Book
Does the length of a book determine its value? 

Ditch Free Reports, Offer Free Books
A Lead Generation Power Move

The Essential Toolkit of a Book Writer

What Does a Book Publisher Do?